Monday, June 24, 2013

An Embarrassing Misunderstanding

With only 38 days left to enjoy Cambodia, I decided to take a break from my standard afternoon snack of Pringles (or the knock-off Mister Potato brand… or if really in a bind, Jacker) and try something new. For the past few weeks I’d been scoping out a fried banana cart in hopes that I might glimpse the hidden compartment where the seller keeps all the fried potatoes, but realizing my delusion I resigned myself to a fruitier crisp.

Brakes screeching, I pulled up beside the banana cart just as I realized that I had no idea what a fair price for this tropical treat may be. Thinking 2,000 Riel (50 cents) seemed reasonable, I turned to the seller, smiled, and said, “2,000, please.” The woman gave me a crooked look and said she didn’t have any as she bustled away into the market, leaving me and her cart behind.

Seeing that she still had some bananas sitting in the display of her cart, I figured that she must not have had any ready and that she had just gone in to buy some more oil. I was willing to wait, so I just stood awkwardly straddling my bike while doing my best to avoid the stares and motos darting towards me.

After a few minutes, the seller came back with a small cooler which she popped open to reveal a large stash of money. She plucked four 500-riel bills from the pool of cash with one hand and gently extended them to me with a warm smile on her face.
Realizing that she thought I was begging for money, my face turned as red as the bills she was holding. I quickly apologized and explained that I wanted to buy 2,000 Riel worth of bananas. She told me that she was finished selling for the day, so I thanked her before zooming away from the embarrassing situation as quickly as I could.

Her act of generosity was as humbling as it was kind.

Just had some more of these instead...

1 comment:

  1. Great story, thanks for sharing. This is the kind of experience that keeps us all humble.
